
Tear is one of the 32 Tempos in HOURS. It can be obtained by beating the game in Multiplayer.


When used, it summons a clone in your place and skip time. During this period, the clone will run around, time will be slowed around you, allowing you time to place yourself in a desirable position before it ends. (Enemies will also target this clone)

Tear lasts for 5 seconds, and has a cooldown of 10 seconds. When Overclocked, the cooldown is reduced to 5 seconds, and the duration is increases to 10 seconds.

Tips and Trivia[]


  • The clone can be used as a dummy to lure in enemies when preparing a large attack with low accuracy. (E.g. Hellion's Honk or Dreamer's Signature Move)
  • This works great for melee hosts, such as Prophet. As the clone will fight in your stead allowing you to end Tear with a strike. The clone does fight, but it is rare, making it unreliable. You can perform a move, then activate Tear to perform the move with no risk of injury.


  • This is possibly a reference to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, where Bucellati(/Buccarati) attacks the boss, when instead, he attacks himself.
  • Tear is similar to Omit, as it can completely negate damage towards you for a brief period of time. Although, it isn't as good for certain sections of Light Beneath Closed Eyes.
  • The clone can be likened to the one which is seen in the tempo Swap.
  • Unlocking Tear after Cell will grant you access to Endless Timeless.
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