
Swap is one of the 32 Tempos currently available in HOURS. It is available to the player after beating Peacock Peaks with the VestigeIcon Vestige


At the beginning of a stage, Swap instantly creates a moving and attacking ghost version of yourself. However, any attack done by the ghost does not damage enemies. When activated it swaps between two versions of yourself, leaving a ghost version on where you were before swapping. When swapping it also changes your health to that timeline when you swapped.

Swap instantly activates upon activation and has a cooldown of 5 seconds. When Overclocked, the cooldown is reduced to 0.5 seconds.


  • If you die with this tempo equipped, you can swap to your other timeline to continue the fight, however the tempo will no longer be usable until you beat the stage.
  • Ability cooldowns are correlated to what the ghost decided to do, and is in no way proportionate to what you did.
  • If you time it right and use swap while your clone is about to use an ability, you can succesfully use that ability to do damage and not waste abilities.


  • Swap, Dirt, and Disc are all inspired by the ability of the Stand Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) from Jojo's Bizarre Adventures; that is, the ability to move between timelines or dimensions.
  • Swap originally froze the other timeline in place, rather than the other timeline acting independently. This effect has since been given to the tempo Cast.
  • Overclocked Swap has the shortest cooldown of any tempo in the game.
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