Endless Timeless is an endless stage in the game, where you fight against different antagonized Hosts. It is accessible after you have unlocked Cell and Tear. After this, when you spawn on Sinking Sands, an invincible, out-of-reach version of Resident Mind will be on the southern border of the map, which is behind you. Walking towards him will send you to this stage instead of Peacock Peaks. This functions as stages where each stage has higher host count and/or upgrades. The further you progress, the more upgrades both you and the enemies have, and more and more enemies appear. But naturally, there is a limit.
Endless Timeless consists of a standard arena, sporting a baseplate checkerboard pattern floor), multiple rocks outside the player's boundaries, a 'cave' of sorts in the northern section, and 15 white reflective spheres on top of poles, likely meant to be trees. The cave constantly emits what appears to be water, but this is entirely a visual effect.
The enemies here spawn by teleporting on the arena by the same beam of light emitted during Resident Mind's spawn. All enemies that can spawn are Hosts, using randomized usernames. The Hosts also have a random selection of upgrades applied to them, equal to the number you have already chosen.
All damage in Endless Timeless is halved.
- Unlike in normal games, you're able to select up to 6 different upgrades instead of the maximum of 3 upgrades.
- Skipping upgrades can be used as a way to "reroll" any upgrades a player may come across. This can be utilized by either creating better upgrade sets, and preventing enemies from getting too many upgrades to suit their own advantages.
- Turbocharge can still let you pick 3 upgrades at a time, tripling the maximum amount of upgrades in a play session.
- After reaching the upgrade cap, no more upgrades will show up. Instead, they will be replaced with the Cold Treasure upgrade, which grants no further perks as stated in their descriptions.
Different players need to utilize different strategies based on the hosts they've unlocked and use. Each host has their own strengths and weaknesses, but will always be countered by another, in one way or another.
Invader isn't the best choice for this mode, mainly because they don't have enough damage to defeat enemies, and require mass heavy melee attacking in order to cut down their enemies. Some hosts like Parting and Visitor can absolutely shut down Invader due to their armor, which reduces their damage taken, along with their abilities that can out range or leave Invader extremely vulnerable. If you do use Invader however, make sure to bring any time stopping tempos, like Halt or Dive and time your attacks right so aren't blocked by enemies in the middle of parrying or blocking.
Prophet is based around tanking while dealing extremely high amounts of damage. The only counters to Prophet is enemies that attack extremely fast, like Parting, or enemies that can stagger lock, like [[[File:BloxxerIcon.png|border|20px|link=Bloxxer]] Bloxxer, due to all attacks have a small wind up/slow movement speed before they can actually go into effect, with the exception of Dash. Some tempos that can help however, are Rush or Zion, as they allow Prophet to mainly ignore the slowness of their attacks, by speeding them up heavily in order to deal massive damage faster. Alternatively, time stopping tempos can help, as it gives Prophet room to gain extra hits off the enemy team, or heal up while the time is still available.
Witness is a jack-of-all-trades type character, who can utilize defensive skills like their Shield, offensive skills like Telamon's Banhammer, or disruption based skills, like Kick. This allows Witness to be decently dangerous, as they can be a versatile all-round host. First Stage of Grief, for example, not only sends projectiles back to their casters, but also staggers any enemies within the ability's range. Additionally, other moves, like Memento Mori, can act as an extra life, as it can immediately be triggered to save them self from immediately dying to one hit abilities, like Hellion's Honk. The tempo of choice for Witness is any time stop based tempos, like Halt, to allow yourself to strike enemies with your heaviest attacks while making sure they don't move, or Sand, which can be combined with certain skills to virtually pause them, followed up with being able to rush out many attacks within the following seconds.
Artisan can build turrets or robots to help out, with upgrades that can be utilized to buffing the original Turrets or to buff their ability to parry, or their bullet barrage. In this mode, Artisan can be drastically useful at either summoning distractions, dishing out the damage, or just playing defense by parry spamming. Their weakness, however, is enemies that can destroy their buildings with relative ease. Counters such as Equinox can destroy them with a few swings in later stages while gaining health back, while Invader can use them as life leeching portions, as the damage dealt is much weaker than the amount of health that can be recovered, and hosts like Hellion can destroy them in one strike. The best tempo to use with Artisan is most definitely {Icon|t=Zero}}, or more specifically, Overclocked Zero, as it allows Artisan to instantly refresh all cool downs, in order to get down as many turrets or robots as possible to become a problem to the enemy team, or to parry lock enemies, like Drifter or another Artisan.
Vestige can either be one of the strongest hosts possible, or the most annoying enemy that can appear. With a variety of upgrades and abilities to stagger enemies, drain them of their health with ease, heal Vestige, or just escape, Vestige is probably one of the strongest hosts for Endless Timeless, assuming that you run the right upgrades. Charm: Circulation makes shots and abilities redirect themselves towards enemies, which is really helpful, and Charm: Acceleration makes all shots have increased momentum meaning faster projectile speed while additionally making the critical hits they land deal 6% of the target's maximum health. Charm: Nullification cause the next blast to crit when taking more than 4 damage, plus you will passively dodge 33% of attacks making you really hard to kill. If you still have Charm: Circulation and Charm: Duplication, it will redirect two shots with 70% more damage and can stack with the critical magic upgrades. Getting these upgrades can make a really powerful and deadly combo. Additionally, combining some abilities and crit related upgrades like Enchant: Arcane Blast, Gnawing Hex, Leeching Rounds and Fire Aspect allow Vestige to deal more damage.
Conjure: Blazing Steps where activating you going to increase movement and attack speed by 25% and allow Blast to be used while moving for 6 seconds making it really useful to walk while shooting while making really hard to enemies kill you. Conjure: Burning Gaze causes all Blasts in the next 6 seconds to be critical hits and while having a long cooldown (40 seconds) you can get it back with ease if you have Enchant: Leaching Rounds. Conjure: Rainstorm rains down Blast shots around you for 2 seconds and blast deals 25% more damage passively. When stacked with Blazing Steps plus Circulation, Burning Gaze and other crits upgrades it makes it one of the best moves to Vestige. Conjure: Cascade fires 6 Blast shots rapidly, and the cooldown is really quick you can use it like a shotgun and it stacks many other upgrades as well. All of theses can quite literally make Vestige into what can be considered as death within one bullet.
Vestige doesn't have too many hard counters, except for Hot Rash due to the Parry being able to block literally every attack from Vestige, Artisan with the ability to just spam their parry, and making them even more problematic if they have Kinetic Reversal, which quite literally turns your own bullets against Vestige. Additionally, Parting can be a problem as well, as hitting Easy Lover, can give Parting more combo, which in turn allows Parting to pull out the stronger attacks with more ease. However, if you have good upgrades, you can kill these enemies before they can parry or do anything to harm you. The tempo for Vestige can be Dirt in order to double (or triple if you have it Overclocked) damage, Cell to make enemies slow (or really slow if you have it Overclocked), and obliterate enemies health if you have the rights upgrades mentioned before. or Zion, more specifically, Overclocked Zion, for the speed that can be used to dish out damage even faster, or to get that 25% attack speed boost if Overclocked.
Visitor is quite a powerful host here. With the right upgrades, Visitor can literally become an extremely tanky host, assuming that you don't run out of Skin. Hurting Me can be useful against enemies that deal massive damage, by returning part of it, and gaining 100 armor temporarily. This can be used to counter Hellion's Honk, assuming you have enough health, as it will immediately kill the opposing Hellions by reflecting damage. Visitor can additionally be a slow powerhouse. Beam itself is extremely powerful, as it can deal high burst damage with additional health regeneration, assuming the final hit lands on the target. Skewer can lock enemies in place and prevents them from turning, making hosts that require to be facing their enemy to deal damage, like Bloxxer or Artisan relatively weakened, due to Bloxxer literally needing to turn towards the target to damage them, and Artisan's Barrage being unable to turn towards any enemies. Skewer can also be used to gain some room between you and your opponents. Burrow is a useful attack that can be used to strike from under against enemies, while disrupting any attacks they may be performing, after a brief moment. Some upgrades, like Over This can be used to make Burrow into a max health killer, as it deals damage to enemies after initial damage once they land. However, the main counters to Visitor are enemies that can drain skin extremely fast. Hosts that can rush attacks like Hot Rash using Hot Kalash, Artisan's Barrage, Parting's Pummel, and almost any of Bloxxer's attacks can drain skin extremely fast, leaving Visitor vulnerable, yet the Hurting Me upgrade minimizes this a bit. The best tempos for Visitor are Rush and Zion, as Rush can make Beam almost instantaneously make the attack finish, while giving Visitor some speed while it's active.
Subject can be considered as the true jack of all trades in a sense, due to a variety of potions that can be used. Each potion can be useful for their own effects, like Blood being able to increase the damage output, Poison allowing enemies to die a slow death, and Crystal, which can give some extra lives shield points for the player and their allies. One thing that all thrown potions have in common though? The fact that they can stagger on impact. Throwing potions can be good for disrupting enemy hosts, assuming they don't have any upgrades that makes them unstoppable. Otherwise, you can imbue the effect into your weapon, making Subject able to deal better melee damage while hurting enemies more/recovering or protecting them self better. Lightning for example, can be extremely effective with the right upgrades. Assuming you obtain both Ionized Plasmavine and Storm Dangleroot, you can use it as a hard counter to Bloxxer, as it removes all shields and 5% of the target's maximum health per hit while being able to stun makes it a prime example. The main weakness of Subject however is the brewing. As each potion has a minimum amount of time to create, it can leave Subject temporarily vulnerable, unable to attack until they finish brewing, which in turn, can give enemy hosts more time to dish out damage towards Subject, like Parting with Pummel, any attack that Bloxxer has, and Visitor's Beam. The best tempo for Subject is subjective (no pun intended). Time stop tempos like Halt or Dive can give Subject time to brew up some potions, to then throw and give enemies a rude awakening once they leave their time frozen state. [[File:Tempo{{{t}}}.png|border|20px|link={{{t}}}]] [[{{{t}}}]] and its Overclocked version can additionally work, as it basically gives Subject an extra chance to craft more potions.
Parting is one of the strongest hosts in this mode, being able to select from a massive variety of upgrades that can already boost their incredible move set. Pummel can be used to stagger lock enemies while dealing burst damage. Leap can be used to dodge ground based attacks, like being able to dodge Visitor's Burrow. Easy Lover, however, is the real kicker. Assuming you've gained enough combo, Easy Lover can either heavily magnify the damage enemies will take, punt enemies with high damage, dealing even more if they collide with a wall, and jump upwards for a stunning smash. You have to gain combo however, to get this power to an extent. For example, Easy Lover, even when not used to trigger a finisher, can be used to block projectiles to gain more combo, while momentarily pausing combo degeneration. Some upgrades, like Gentleman Thief can be used to temporarily "borrow" the stats of the target you've uppercut, allowing Parting to get boosted stats for a brief moment, while reducing their victim's own stats temporarily. One of the more powerful combinations is Black Star Sergeant and The Dreamer's Nightmare. If you were to land a strike on an enemy with Uppercut, Black Star Sergeant makes it so whenever the affected gets damaged, Parting gains another combo, and The Dreamer's Nightmare makes it so a beam is fired off whenever Parting gains combo. This combo can literally mean death to some as a constant array of beams firing at the victim will definitely chip their health drastically, if not outright kill them.
However, Parting can be counter by Hellion with enough upgrades, Hot Rash, Artisan, and Vestige. Vestige with the proper upgrade combos can execute Parting within a matter of seconds, Hellion's HONK can literally one hit Parting with at least 6 upgrades, Hot Rash can outright Parry spam, Artisan can additionally Parry spam, as the ability itself triggers again once Artisan's parries, effectively wasting Pummel. Additionally, Artisan AI will spam parry whenever it gets a chance, making them annoying threats, as if they aren't blocking you, they're spamming turrets or robots to defeat you. The best tempo for Parting is Halt/OC Halt and Dive/OC Dive, as it gives Parting more time to launch a massive barrage of attacks. Remember the combo from earlier, Black Star Sergeant + The Dreamer's Nightmare? Due to the fact that the status effect can't have it's duration reduced during time stop, it literally makes the target even more vulnerable than they currently are.
Dreamer is just stupidly overpowered with the right upgrades. Assuming you use Burst and Eruption right, you can decimate most enemies within a few seconds. For example, Coalescence, when used, fires off the massive bouncing explosives orb that can hit enemies multiple times and stagger them, making them extremely vulnerable to attacks. Mega Beam, although not as strong due to enemies having armor, can virtually chop down almost all enemy hosts to an extent, still dealing massive damage while potentially being able to sweep the entire map. We can't forget Signature Move though. Assuming that your enemies are still charging you down, you can always use Signature Move to fly into the air, and then punish them with a massive piano that can outright kill most enemy hosts, if not stun them for a good amount of time. Some upgrades however are extremely useful, like every Burst upgrade, as combining them together literally makes a single energy move into an enemy decimating attack. Additionally, upgrades like Energy Shield, Energy Fissure, and Energy Feedback can heavily increase the damage output of Dreamer, allowing them to deal massive damage while additionally boosting themselves in a moment of time.
How do you stop this Behemoth if they can destroy you within a few seconds? Hellions HONK encases Helluon in a massive shield, rendering all of Dreamer's moves useless against one. Additionally, HONK can always one shot Dreamer due to their incredibly low health pool. The best tempo for Dreamer is definitely Overclocked Zero, as it gives Dreamer 5 seconds to purely just spam moves and destroy enemies with ease.
Equinox is more or less an unstoppable juggernaut in some cases. With heavy attacks that can magnify Equinox's damage or heal Equinox, and initial stagger immunity, Equinox can destroy most enemies with ease. The only problem Equinox suffers from is end lag, as every attack in one way or another suffers from a minor wind up, or punishing end lag. Even with the massive amount of damage that can be dealt, fast enemies can easily avoid Equinox. Equinox's hard counters are Vestige and Artisan. Vestige's abilities can snipe Equinox from across the map, or help them escape Equinox, and Artisan can shoot down Equinox, build turrets or robots for disruption, or just spam parry, which can cause Equinox to be unable to damage them. The best tempos for Equinox are Rush or Zion, but their Overclocked counterparts are superior. Rush can allow Equinox to trigger attacks almost instantly, making moves with delay take only a few seconds to destroy enemy hosts. Zion is the same ability to a lesser extent, but rather lasts for a longer duration, and additionally makes Equinox attack 25% faster, assuming Zion is Overclocked.
Bloxxer is the slowest host in the game, yet boasts some of the most powerful abilities. Nail Splash can knockback enemies slightly, but more or less just keeps them in their current position, Impale absolutely destroys enemies that try to get to close, as it deals high damage to them, and also stuns them, preventing them from being able to block or dodge any attacks you'll send next. Sink allows Bloxxer to escape by emerging somewhere else, and additionally has more benefits the less health Bloxxer has. Super Nail Splash is literally the ultimate punish to melee enemies. As soon as you trigger it, they can't stop it, as every single nail from Super Nail Splash has stagger applied to it, effectively making it a deadly stun lock to most enemies. Nail Rain is also useful, as it allows Bloxxer to attack enemies from a distance, while stagger locking them. Bloxxer has weaknesses though. Due to the extremely slow speed, and the fact that Bloxxer needs to turn towards the target with almost every attack, Visitor's Skewer can make almost every Bloxxer attack useless, unless the target is directly in front of Bloxxer. Additionally, hosts like Parting can make ease of Bloxxer due to all attacks having their own delays and such, with the additionally fast attack speed of Parting. The best tempos for Bloxxer are either OC Jump, OC Rush, or OC Page. OC Jump can basically give Bloxxer I-Frames, which allows Bloxxer to utilize any move in his arsenal, just not to the best extent, due to jumping moving Bloxxer upwards which can make some attacks just not hit at all, but it works extremely well with Nail Rain as it needs literally no direct targeting as the nails themselves rain from above the target, and not from Bloxxer. OC Rush can be used to help Bloxxer escape from enemies, or to make attacks that go into a burst hit more like a shotgun. OC Page, allows for swapping, but when it swaps back to Bloxxer, it triggers the shockwave attack, effectively making it an almost map wide disruption.
Drifter is a host that utilizes melee attacks with staggers, while being able to parry everything that may hit a little bit too fast. The basic attack uses 5 different strikes, with the last 2 being multi-hit strikes. Parry can be used to block enemies with ease, and can literally cancel out attacks that hit too fast, like Hot Rash's Hot Kalash, while expending only one charge. Slide can be used as a form of mobility, or dodging, as it makes Drifter's hitbox lower, meaning most attacks will be unable to hit Drifter while they're sliding. Chain can be used to melee punish enemies that are in range. Hitting 3 times and staggering, it can cause enemies to be unable to act or block, and must suffer from the multiple hits, unless they can escape. Throw can be used as a disruption attack, as the sword hits and staggers the enemies twice, making it a good crowd clearer in some cases. Orbit is a more special case, as it staggers and hits all enemies within an area around Drifter twice. It additionally can summon in Dummies every 30 seconds and yes, they are the ones that dab at enemies to attack them. They can be used as damaging distractions, or just general damage as they deal about 6 damage, with the only problem being that they drain health over time. Drifter although having this move set does have a few weaknesses, for starters, Bloxxer's multiple hit attacks that can expend Parry charges due to each Bloxxer attack being purely inconsistent. Another heavy weakness of Drifter can be Subject, as throwing potions can stagger Drifter, leaving them vulnerable, and more specific potions like Poison can deal chip damage to Drifter, and Lightning can stun Drifter, once again leaving Drifter vulnerable. The best tempo for Drifter would probably have to be either Halt/OC Halt, Dive/OC Dive, Dirt/OC Dirt, and Zero/OC Zero. Halt and Dive are self explanatory, use them to get extra hits off of your enemies. Dirt/OC Dirt can be used to provide distractions with other versions of yourself. If one copy is busy fighting another enemy, you can always switch to another if you want to go for a more specific target. Zero can be used to instantly refresh abilities, but OC Zero can be used to just spam attacks like Throw, to stagger lock enemies, or to just Parry until the ability runs out.
Hot Rash[]
He got tired of being a normal enemy, and now he's going to murder every other host within his line of sight. There isn't much else to say about him besides Hot Slash being an excellent source of staggering, hitting 3 times consecutively, Hot Flash being able to just negative almost everything that isn't created within the shield, otherwise just making him flat out immortal, and Hot Kalash, which is chip damage in a not too consistent way. Due to him only having one upgrade, which not only increases melee damage by 5, but also Hot Kalash damage by 2, which in turn, makes melee attacks more deadly with each stage, and makes Hot Kalash become an inconsistent burst damaging weapon. Hot Rash however, has a few counters. Parting for example, can stagger lock a poorly timed Hot Flash, and punish it followed by a finisher. Invader can additionally be a dangerous counter, as Hot Rash has some end lag or delay on each attack, meaning an Invader can swiftly come in and kill Hot Rash with ease. The best tempo for Hot Rash is Sand, or more specifically, Overclocked Sand. If you time Hot Flash right, you can have it stand out, virtually making Hot Rash immortal, giving time for your next move, and once released, all enemies will have their speed halved, allowing Hot Rash to get hits in to finish them off. Due to the 4/20/22 update, it heavily made Hot Rash drastically lose the bread and butter of the set, as Hot Kalash had received a "buff" that was more of a heavy nerf if anything. Due to Hot Kalash being nerfed, Hot Rash isn't a very good choice for Endless Time due to the high and inconsistent spread.
Hellion can pack quite a punch given it's glass cannon nature and enough upgrades. It's HONK ability has the capability of one hitting most Hosts in the game, but can easily backfire against another Hellion when they use HONK or a Visitor with the Hurting Me upgrade. Hellion is also able to use it's LMB as a multi-hit, which can take away a lot of Visitor's Skin, or a bait attack to reduce Drifter's Parry charges so they don't Parry your HONK ability. The best Tempos that synergizes with Hellion are Tempos that are probably ones that can save Hellion from death, such as Word, Sand, and Undo.
Buffoon is the embodiment of almost every enemy in the game with different abilities that can help Buffoon drastically. Bolt has a simple homing method and general damage, but reduces the cooldown of Bolt-Ex when used during a Bolt-Ex combo. Bolt-Ex silences enemies of any abilities, and additionally deals higher damage and has homing. Sprint allows Buffoon to escape enemies in a certain amount of time, with a brief second of extra speed. Buffoon's upgrades are also pretty special, for example, Aspect of Stars allows Buffoon to gain a temporary 30 health shield every so often when damaged, and additionally adds the attack of Starlight Duke into the Bolt-Ex combo, which can add as an instantaneous attack. Aspect of Force is additionally an interesting one, allowing Buffoon to use Seventh Blossom's drop kick, while being able to have Sprint automatically activate. This can be paired with Aspect of Swords and Aspect of Hunt, as it will make Buffoon deal even more melee staggering damage, and additionally allows Buffoon to psuedo-melee, while still staying a threat. Other upgrades that Buffoon has can help with even more mimicking, and can adapt to many different situations. Need to heal your allies? Aspect of Growth. Taking too many hits? Aspect of Strength. Hate ranged attacks coming at you all the time? Aspect of God.
However, Buffoon has weaknesses, as all hosts do. Buffoon doesn't have a very high health pool, and is easily countered by Parting due to the fact that Easy Lover can block projectiles and melee attacks, which allows Parting to close the gap quite easily. Alternatively, Visitor could be considered a counter, as the Skin mechanic can reduce damage, and upgrades like Hurting Me can reflect high hitting attacks from Buffoon for even higher damage. Buffoon's tempo should be Halt or Dive, as it allows Buffoon to use those seconds of time to pull out as many combos possible before time runs out.Reference[]
The stage resemble the look of the classic Roblox games. Notice how everything is blocky and the trees are similar to the ones that were commonly used until about 2012. Furthermore, the skybox seems to be the Broken Sky, which was the default skybox used back in also around 2012.
- During its first day of release, players could choose up to the total of 24 different upgrades, which is the total number of upgrades each hosts have, unless they had one consistent upgrade, like that of Drifter or Hot Rash for example. Only when at least 22 different upgrades are chosen, the Cold Treasure upgrade will begin to appear.
- This was then reduced 6, or 18 with Turbocharge.
- It is possible to get 19 upgrades with Parting. However, Due to the fact that Death and Taxes and Tax Evasion cancel each other, 19 may turn into 18, since you get a 50% power boost.
- This was then reduced 6, or 18 with Turbocharge.
- The Cold Treasure upgrades are a reference to Hot Rash.
- The title "Cold" is the opposite of "Hot", as well as "Treasure" being the opposite of "Trash". Hot Trash is Hot Rash's "true name".
- This can be further implied as the description for Hot Cash is quite literally the same as Cold Treasure, that being "We will become stronger." becoming "We will not become stronger."
- Even furthermore, the icon for Cold Treasure is a color inverted version of Hot Rash's upgrade icons.
- Using any tempo that goes back in time or rewinds the entire stage, such as Undo, Gate and Rail, changes the Hosts that spawn in the level.
- Turning on any of the Cheat Mode features before or during an Endless Timeless run causes the level counter to turn red.
- The name of Endless Timeless' badge, Looking Glass of Delicate Bubbles is a reference to an Excel Saga manga chapter of the same name.