
Dust is one of the 32 Tempos currently available in HOURS. It is available to the player after beating Light Beneath Closed Eyes with WitnessIcon Witness, and have obtained the Hands of Time gamepass.


This tempo passively grants a trail of your host's color. When activated, it will reverse your time to the state of which before Dust was activated.

Dust has a duration of 5 seconds and a cooldown of 20 seconds. When Overclocked, it will instead rewind 15 seconds.

Tips and Trivia[]


Non-Overclocked: While using Dust, attempt to use it while a situation is not very favorable to you. Dust completely rewinds your health, cooldowns, and moves you have preformed 5 seconds ago. Knowing this, you can use it to reverse a substantial amount of damage you may have taken, or as a quick refill for your moves if you felt like you could have performed it better. Dust can even rewind your death. A pre-emptive death heading your way? Fear not, Dust is going to block it's way. Consider it a side-grade of Undo.

Example: You take a large amount of damage from Fiend Rider due to him successfully ramming you with his car. You can activate Dust to completely erase the damage you have taken.

Overclocked: Reverses 15 seconds instead, allowing you to basically rewind anything you don't find favorable. Be warned, if you don't have good short-term memory, you may not fare well with Overclock.


  • Dust, like Undo, is a reference to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, specifically the Stand Killer Queen. The name comes from Killer Queen's "Bites the Dust" ability, though Undo is more similar to it than Dust.
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