
Clip is one of the 32 Tempos currently available in HOURS. It is available to the player after beating Light Beneath Closed Eyes using the host VisitorIcon Visitor, and have obtained the Hands of Time gamepass.


Upon activation, any attack dealt in the next one second will instantly deal damage, making it effective for hosts with high burst damage attacks such as the Visitor's Beam.

Clip has a duration of 1 second and has a cooldown of 5 seconds. When Overclocked the cooldown is reduced to 2 seconds and it gains an extra charge.

Tips and Trivia[]


  • When using Clip, activate the tempo (or a charge if overclocked) when an ability is just about to finish. This will cause the ability to activate twice (or thrice if you time it right with overclock). Some examples include:
  • Visitor’s Beam
  • Witness’ Smite
  • Hellion’s Car
  • Dreamer’s Signature Move (this one can literally one shot bosses if you time it right)
  • Prophet’s Heavy Strike
  • Any of Subject’s throwable potions


  • This tempo is essentially an instant version of other tempos that speed up attacks, such as Rush
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