Hosts are the characters that you are able to play as in HOURS. There are currently fifteen hosts in the game, with more likely to come in the future ( Invader, Prophet, Witness, Artisan, Vestige, Visitor, Subject, and Dreamer, Parting, Equinox, Bloxxer, Drifter, Hot Rash, Hellion, and Buffoon). They all each have a unique set of abilities that promotes certain playstyles and synergizes well with particular Tempos. Each host has a different icon for it, representing its face and its weaponry. (E.G. Witness's icon looks like a ukulele)
Basic Hosts[]
- Invader - Promotes fast-paced, high-damage melee combat. Works well with Invader and Artisan Tempos; works poorly with Prophet Tempos. Obtained by playing the game.
- Prophet - Promotes foreshadowing and outsmarting your enemies to land slow, heavy-hitting attacks. If failed, can get punished horribly. Works well with Prophet and Artisan Tempos; works poorly with Vestige Tempos. Obtained by defeating Equinox.
- Witness - Promotes a variety of playstyles with an abundance of obtainable abilities. Works well with the tempo Prophet and Subject tempos. Obtained by defeating Bloxxerman.
- Artisan - Promotes strategy with building, placement and parrying. Works well with Artisan and Vestige Tempos. Obtained by defeating Ronin Alpha.
- Vestige - Promotes keeping your distance with long-ranged attacks. Works well with Artisan and Vestige Tempos; works poorly with Prophet Tempos. Obtained by defeating Resident Mind.
- Visitor - Promotes a tanky playstyle that can deal massive damage in the right position. Works well with Invader and Artisan Tempos; works poorly with Witness Tempos. Obtained by completing the game with the prior five hosts.
- Subject - A jack of all trades thanks to its ability to brew potions. Works well with most Tempos. Obtains by completing the game on Seconds difficulty, or Minutes difficulty on mobile.
- Dreamer - Promotes a glass-cannon playstyle with limited resources, low health, and incredibly high damage output. Works well with most Tempos. Obtained by overclocking the first Twenty Tempos. Requires Hands of Time
- Parting - Promotes a high risk/high reward and beat-'em-up hybrid style of play. Works well with Invader tempos. Obtains by completing the game with Page
Secret Hosts[]
- Drifter - A swordsman-type host. Incredibly defensive, incredibly fast, and incredibly offensive but with limited range, though. Works well with Prophet and Vestige tempos. Obtained by beating the game without getting damaged once. Shield damage does not count.
- Hot Rash - A melee-ranged all-rounder with decent defense. Works well with most tempos, especially Sand. Obtained by clicking the bottom-left corner in the host menu.
- Hellion - Has the lowest health out of every host in the game, but has 3 moves that give I-Frames, an attack that deals massive damage + max health percent damage, and is generally known for being extremely evasive. Works well with most tempos, especially Sand or Word. Obtained by defeating Fiend Rider whilst he's in his car.
- Equinox - An offensive yet slow sword wielder that hits hard, heals/increases damage dealt, and has a variety of movement-based options. Obtained by healing Equinox to full health in his dark tornado attack.
- Bloxxer - A slow yet durable host with the ability to attack in high bursts of nails, dealing low damage but in high quantities. Obtain by tripping every wire in Bloxxerman's final form.
- Buffoon - A very ranged host with a unique playstyle of assimilating enemy abilities to its advantage. This host is not good with Prophet tempos, however it's incredible with Vestige tempos or Word. Obtain by completing The Buffoon's Puzzle.
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