Literally beat all bosses and levels in 9 mins 45 seconds and got sand. all i was using was host:invader(duh) tempo:halt upgrades:cant remember but smth like while empower is active do 50% more dmg but also take 50% more dmg, also deal 50% more dmg to enemies below half of their max hp and spin hit hits 2 times more. absolutely busted build. you could fight normally anyway but a good strat was along with that quickly if cooldown is over, activate empower and halt so the enemy cant hurt you and then spam the shit out of your moves making you deal massive dmg. oh also one upgrade made it so everytime i hit an m1 any cooldown on my moves goes down by 2 seconds, so i could just spam my moves including empower, sadly did not affect the tempo. anyway i killed the final boss in 4 timestops