Unlocked by killing Unlimited Blades with vestige only using Snipe without cheats. Vestige cannot take damage from unlimited blades.
Hint phrase: Sniping limits.
Playstyle: close ranged attacks.
Speed: Moderate
Piercing Strike: Slice the enemy with a blade for little damage.
No cooldown.
Piercing throw: Throw a sword at an enemy. Upon landing a hit, the sword will be imbedded in the enemies chest. After 2 seconds, the blade explodes, stunning the enemy and doing damage.
10 second cooldown.
Piercing line: Lay out a line of many swords.
10 second cooldown.
Piercing Uprise: Bring a crowd of swords up around you suddenly. Enemies hit by these swords take damage and are silenced.
7 second cooldown.
Piercing impale: Stab 8 swords into the enemy for large damage.
8 second cooldown.
Piercing Storm: Target one enemy and throw a huge amount of swords at them, about 6 per second for 10 seconds, dealing massive damage.
25 second cooldown.
His true name: Embedded, Embodied, Emended: Blood Angel
Quote: “Punished by the gods under a crime he hadn’t committed, he was sent to the earth. He eternally seeks vengeance under the one who guards sunset.”
24 Votes in Poll
Idk if I’m drawing anything else for the night (at least not yet) so have this
Better than Starlight Duke, but still not that good imo
7 Votes in Poll