Don't you guys think it would be good to include the Tempos recommended for each Host on their respective pages? It's kinda tedious having to go through every Tempo to find the one recommended for a specific Host
Don't you guys think it would be good to include the Tempos recommended for each Host on their respective pages? It's kinda tedious having to go through every Tempo to find the one recommended for a specific Host
Since I unlocked everything, I want you guys to recommend me trash combinations and I'll try to beat the game with them. You can do any difficulty you want (you're prob all gonna do seconds T-T).
Literally beat all bosses and levels in 9 mins 45 seconds and got sand. all i was using was host:invader(duh) tempo:halt upgrades:cant remember but smth like while empower is active do 50% more dmg but also take 50% more dmg, also deal 50% more dmg to enemies below half of their max hp and spin hit hits 2 times more. absolutely busted build. you could fight normally anyway but a good strat was along with that quickly if cooldown is over, activate empower and halt so the enemy cant hurt you and then spam the shit out of your moves making you deal massive dmg. oh also one upgrade made it so everytime i hit an m1 any cooldown on my moves goes down by 2 seconds, so i could just spam my moves including empower, sadly did not affect the tempo. anyway i killed the final boss in 4 timestops
9 Votes in Poll
Uhh so what works and probably everyone knows is, use Omit like diavolo with his king crimson in jojo. either dodge attacks, move away to heal or while they fight smth invisible move behind them and for example use prophets heavy strike, then end Omit right before you hit the target. this is just like what divolo does. moves himself to enemy blind spots and times his attacks to do so that they hit the opponent right after his time erase ends, giving the opponent 0 seconds time to react. Omit overclock is just King Crimson Requiem btw
What are the best tempos for Buffoon, Equinox, and Visitor? (Without the Hands of Time gamepass)
The rest will fight you.
What do you pick?
So this is what is happening,
Nightmare Catcher has punched Cerebrum in the back, making him drop him sword, whereas drowned deep has his arms folded, probably about to use his Loch Tempo to kill Nightmare Catcher.
17 Votes in Poll
Is it possible to unlock those first page hands of time tempos (mood,gold,mass etc.) on weeks?
It makes it absolutely easy to take screenshots
Here are some of my personal favorites:
im back
Instantly skip 3 seconds of time. Enemies will also skip to a random place heading towards you as if they walked 3 seconds within just one. If you aren't moving, you cant really time skip for yourself. Step also reduces host ability cooldowns(does not apply to tempo). 12 second cooldown.
Instantly skip time for 7 seconds. Cooldown time reduced to 8.
Dont use it when an enemy is near you.. They can attack during the period of the timeskip and at the end damage you alot.
Description before unlocking: (I don't know lol)
Obtain method: (I don't know lol)
Description after unlocking: Time moves faster for yourself the more you attack.
Overclock: Cooldowns are passively 25% shorter and the effect is increased by 75%.
Since this tempo is mildy confusing, an example is let's say you do 30 attacks in 1 minute (60 seconds). Basically Attacks / Total Time in Run = 50% or in other words, time will be 50% faster. Obviously these values will be adjusted to a balanced way (maybe overpowered still like OC zero but I think you get the point).
Extra unnecessary facts:
The icon is actually a heart
I originally planned the tempo to freeze time for a short duration constantly and then the cooldown would be 1/((Attacks / 0.5) / Total Time in Run)
The tempo name is Card which refers to a cardiologist which is a heart doctor
You read this.
A simple question.
Mine is without a doubt in my mind word i personally really like using artisan with this so that i can turn the amount of parrying ronin does look like a skill issue
HOURS Tierlist
F - Useless
Home. I thought this was good until i remembered you’re picking curing yourself of poison over stopping time.
Clip. This would do nothing because there is no action we can do that will confirm our future, even for a few seconds.
Page. Haha, very funny.
Jump. Huh??
E - Kinda Useless
Iris. Would be cool if i didn’t just see 2 seconds into the future.
Mass. Turns yourself into a reverse black hole??
Hint. Wow, another thing doing something for me. Cool.
D - Meh
Rush. Sure, you could do whatever you are doing a lot faster, but you are also RUSHing your aging process, which i wouldn’t reccomend.
Swap. I wouldn’t know what my clone wants to do.
Anti. One of the best methods for fighting off bullies.
C - Alright
Omit. It’s not really the best, because the uses are limited. You could scare someone on halloween or use this as a cool party trick, that’s all.
Dust. Undo but worse. Literally pulls you along a line, how could that be comfortable?
B - Good
Zion. It just lets you do everything faster without the disadvantage of Rush.
Zero. I’m assuming you get to redo something enjoyable again.
Timestop Tempos. It’s timestop, wow, so cool, you also continue aging during the timestop so
Sand. I don’t know what to say about this, but yes.
A - Really Good
Word. You can avoid getting hit by anything, really easily, however this isn’t foolproof as 0.75 seconds isn’t a lot.
Undo. Definitely going to be helpful, when you do something you regretted, now is the time to undo the past!
S - Broken
Cast. Imagine. You could set your teleport place in your home, and instantly teleport back anytime. You could set it up in school, and basically have a easy way going to school and leaving school.
? - Not Sure
Gate. How this would work in realtime is, imagine a stopwatch. You activate gate at 0:30. Your future comes into your timeline at 0:25, and you travel to your past self at 0:30. This… well, i have no idea.
Gold. You get pin-point accuracy for everything but everytime you have to pause severely increases the time you need to grow up.
I will am going to rank every tempo in HOURS (Overclocked), but also I will be rating the Non-Overclocked. - By ItIsAnUnknownPerson
This tier list is opinion based, although I am trying to make it as accurate as possible.
This tier list will be based on the tempo:
Potential, versatility, usefulness, fun | High Importance
Cooldown, difficulty to use, duration | Mid Importance
Visuals, tempo category [time stop, acceleration, slow, rewind, skip, reset, clone, damage dealing…] | Low Importance
I am going to be saying some info, such as: matching hosts, fun facts, tips…
X | Perfect (10)
S+ | Nigh perfection (9.9-9.5)
S | Extremely powerful (9-9.4)
S- | Very strong (8.5-8.9)
God Tiers
A+ | Quite powerful (8-8.5)
A | Solid (7.4-7.9)
A- | Still solid but not as A (6.7-7.3)
High Tiers
B+ | Good (6-6.6)
B | Decently Good (5.4-5.9)
B- | Somehow Good (4.8-5.3)
C+ | Ok (4.1-4.7)
Mid Tiers
C | Meh (3.4-4)
C- | Pretty Bad (2.6-3.3)
F+ | Very Bad (1.8-2.5)
Low Tiers
F | Horrible (1.1-1.7)
F- | USELESS (0.1-1)
Z | … (0)
Reverse God Tiers
32rd: Tear - F+ (Very Bad)
Rating: 2.2
Matching Hosts: None.
Omit but horrible. This tempo is useless because Omit does the same job and much better; it is not fun to use, it doesn’t help to deal damage. F | 1.6 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Don’t use this tempo.
31st: Iris - C- (Pretty Bad)
Rating: 3.2
Matching Hosts: Visitor, Prophet, Equinox, Hot Rash.
Very cool but unfortunately dreadful. This tempo is passive, but it’s worse than Non-Overclocked because it requies quick reaction times and the Non-Overclocked gives 2 seconds, instead of a passive 0.75 seconds. It’s not useful to inflict damage, only to land a slow movement; having this tempo equipped or not wouldn’t make much of a difference. C | 3.6 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Use the Non-Overclocked type.
30th: Gate - C (Meh)
Rating: 3.6
Matching Hosts: Subject, Witness, Dreamer, Visitor.
Sounds cool but it is bad. This tempo has the potential to triple the damage, however, it could be only used for very specific situations, it’s only good for auto aim and AoE attacks of certain hosts; some tempos do it better. It’s kinda hard to use but quite fun. C- | 2.7 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Use this tempo on hosts with auto aim attacks.
29th: Home - C+ (Ok)
Rating: 4.4
Matching Hosts: Any.
Could have been better. This tempo quite good if you have quick reaction time, however, even if you do so, you require your fast-moving fingers to reach/click the tempo button before the 0.5 seconds run out (very hard to use). The use of this tempo is very specific and it is minimally fun. But if you master this tempo, it will be very beneficial, as if you weren’t taking any damage (that’s why it’s higher than the previous tempos). C- | 2.8 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: You can use this tempo if you get staggered, damaged… (but be quick).
28th: Mood - C+ (Ok)
Rating: 4.6
Matching Hosts: Dreamer, Witness, Subject, Vestige, Visitor, Artisan.
Wannabe copycat clone. This tempo is nearly useless for little AoE attacks and it’s not so flexible, but great for big AoE attacks. It could double the damage and stuns dealt to the enemy, this tempo is not worse than the previous, because its use is constant. C- | 2.8 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Use this tempo on hosts with big AoE/auto aim attacks.
27th: Rail - B- (Somehow Good)
Rating: 5.2
Matching Hosts: Any.
OP upgrades. This tempo gives you a more chances/lifes, it can reshuffle the upgrades how many times you’d like; however, it could overpower your host for the final battle. In the end you just have better upgrades, but no* tempo. Sure it is good, but there are better options. C | 3.9 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Making yourself overpowered might not help, instead harm you late game (against the clone).
26th: Disc - B (Decently Good)
Rating: 5.4
Matching Hosts: Parting, Visitor, Vestige, Witness, Subject, Dreamer, Buffoon.
You get double damage and an extra life almost all the time, but your clone can take damage (unlike Cast and Swap), it can heal Equinox and it is not constantly activated; although this flaws are quite negligible, there are just better options out there. C+ | 4.1 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Switching clones won’t help you to avoid damage, your current health will be the same for the clone spawned.
25th: Cast - B (Decently Good)
Rating: 5.5
Matching Hosts: Vestige, Visitor, Witness.
Swap but halted. I am not really a fan of clone tempos, that’s why their are all mid tiers (C+ to B+ range). This tempo is great for ranged hosts, you can throw your attack, change clones and wait for the perfect moment to trigger the frozen attack. It’s very versatile and useful, if you master it, you can take no damage and have a second life; but other tempos do this better. C+ | 4.4 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Use it for a second life.
24th: Swap - B (Decently Good)
Rating: 5.6
Matching Hosts: Parting, Visitor, Vestige.
Cast but moving. This tempo is only good when you master it, you can take no damage; but that takes quick reaction times (hard to use), the clone you are not using inflicts no damage and it wastes your abilities (but the cooldowns still move), however, it doesn’t take damage. C+ | 4.3 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: If your clone releases a attack, switch to it; the attack will do damage if you time it right.
23rd: Clip - B (Decetly Good)
Rating: 5.7
Matching Hosts: Parting, Visitor, Subject, Hellion, Dreamer, Vestige, Prophet.
This tempo requires good timing (hard to use), it could triple the damage with low cooldown, but other tempos do this better (Anti, Dirt…) and this tempo is one of the least fun. C+ | 4.5 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Use this tempo with high burst damage hosts.
22nd: Rule - B (Decently Good)
Rating: 5.8
Matching Hosts: Visitor, Parting, Prophet, Vestige, Artisan, Subject, Witness.
It skips one sec each sec (2x faster). This tempo is good for slow hosts and slow attacks, but there are much better options (rush, zion, sand). F+ | 2.4 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Use the tempo constantly.
21st: Dust - B (Decently Good)
Rating: 5.9
Matching Hosts: Hosts with low health.
This tempo can save you from death and heal you, but the cooldown is too long which can be dangerous. It’s not so flexible and useful all the time; that’s why undo may be better, because its cooldown is shorter. C+ | 4.5 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: It’s very useful for the clone; try to not take damage after 5 second you used it (the effect only covers 15 second of 20 cooldown).
20th: Undo - B+ (Good)
Rating: 6
Matching Hosts: Hosts with long death animation.
This tempo is not useful for half of the situations, but it can give you nigh immortality, however, there are better options. B- | 5.1 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Very useful for clone, use hosts with long death animation (so you have enough time to undo).
19th: Page - B+ (Good)
Rating: 6.2
Matching Hosts: None.
All-in-one. This tempo promotes a extremely dynamic gameplay, it could help you in a lot of situations: heal you, speed boost, increase damage, build clones and turret; it is very useful all-round, it’s great for fighting the clone. The problem with this tempo is that you have to change hosts automatically with a very short time, you can’t do much damage meanwhile; if you use a good host, then you will never have to use this tempo. Z | 0 Non-Overcloked.
Tip: Try to use long lasting attacks.
18th: Hint - B+ (Good)
Rating: 6.3
Matching Hosts: Ranged Hosts.
This tempo is almost constantly activated. The damage output of the ghosts are not that high and they are dumb + slow, although, they can be used as bait while you attack from far, making this tempo quite good. B- | 5.2 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Let the ghosts do the hard work for you, while you attack from far.
Note: the ghosts can heal Equinox, which is bad.
17th: Word - B+ (Good)
Rating: 6.4
Matching Hosts: Parting, Vestige, Subject, Hellion.
This tempo is automatic, that’s why it’s good. The cooldown should be even shorter, this tempo is only good for dodging not damage dealing. C | 3.8 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Use speedy hosts.
16th: Dirt - B+ (Good)
Rating: 6.5
Matching Hosts: Subject, Visitor, Vestige, Parting.
This tempo can help you increase the effects and damage of your actions by 3 times, which is great. C+ | 4.3 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Getting close to the enemy can increase the efficiency and accuracy of this tempo.
15th: Cell - B+ (Good)
Rating: 6.6
Matching Hosts: Dreamer, Visitor, Vestige, Buffoon.
This tempo is solid, it’s amazing for long range. It lasts infinitely, which is awesome. But it’s useless for short range and it’s very boring, the tempo is monotonous and the gameplay takes way too long; the tempo is good for dodging but there are better options. B | 5.5 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Use hosts with fast walk speed, so you can get further to the enemy (slowing him).
14th: Mass - A- (Still solid but not as A)
Rating: 6.8
Matching Hosts: Close-ranged hosts.
The tempo is very good for short range, it has pretty low cooldown and it’s quite fun. It’s solid but there is (almost) no reason to slow time when you can stop time. This tempo is useless for long range. C+ | 4.2 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Stay close to the enemy, or it won’t work.
13th: Loch - A- (Still solid but not as A)
Rating: 6.9
Matching Hosts: Slow hosts.
This tempo is good for reflecting damage, it has good cooldown. This tempo is overall good, but there are better options and this tempo is not so flexible. C | 3.9 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Use it for Ronin, the giant slam; Resident Mind piano attack; Equinox Vortex.
12th: Path - A- (Still solid but not as A)
Rating: 7
Matching Hosts: Any.
This tempo can be constantly activated, making the time 2x slower. However, you can stack making it last more. The tempo is overall flexible and useful, but the are better options; there is (almost) no point of slowing time when you can stop time, although it is quite underrated. C+ | 4.6 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Use one charge at a time to constantly dodge attacks, when you wish to attack use 2-3 charges at once, it will be enough.
11th: Gold - A- (Still solid but not as A)
Rating: 7
Matching Hosts: Invader, Vestige, Parting.
This tempo is very fun. It is good for calculating moves and thinking, you can become invincible once you master this tempo; it is extremely flexible for dodging and attacking. C+ | 4.5 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Use this tempo with short-lasting attacks, long lasting attacks will make you vulnerable.
10th: Star - A- (Still solid but not as A)
Rating: 7.2
Matching Hosts: Prophet, Hellion, Drifter, Vestige, Invader.
The tempo cooldown-to-duration ratio is 2 : 3, which is kinda bad compared to Halt and Dive and it lasts for a short time, you can’t do much meanwhile. However, it’s very useful for Prophet, they match perfectly. B | 5.7 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: This tempo is great for dodging.
Fun Fact: The projectiles thrown take 0 seconds to fully stop, which is the duration of the startup (while is none).
9th: Zion - A- (Still solid but not as A)
Rating: 7.3
Matching Hosts: All.
It’s good because of the passive (25% more speed), very useful for bosses, it can triple your damage output, it’s useful all-round-length. It lasts for a good time, but has a big cooldown and there are better options (Rush, Sand). B | 5.6 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Idk.
8th: Omit - A (Solid)
Rating: 7.4
Matching Hosts: Vestige, Visitor, Hellion, Parting.
The tempo is cool. It could be very useful for Resident Mind bullet hell, just use the tempo and you will be fine. When you deactivate, you will be vulnerable. C | 3.6 Non-Overclocked
Tip: Use it to dodge, heal yourself (passive healing | 0.33/s), to relocate, to reset cooldowns, to land a slow attack; to regain skins (Visitor), to regain energy (Dreamer), to regain healing charges (Prophet)…
7th: Jump - A (Solid)
Rating: 7.5
Matching Hosts: Dreamer.
If you spam it, it grants you invincibility. The flaw of this tempo is being hit with a perfect timing (although it’s very unlikely to happen) and this tempo doesn’t increase your damage, only good for dreamer (it has vertical damage). B | 5.9 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Spam it.
6th: Halt - A (Solid)
Rating: 7.6
Matching Hosts: All.
Almost all the time stops are high tier, because they are one of my favorite types. This tempo is very good, kinda underrated. It’s useful all-round, being very flexible, the cooldown-to-duration ratio is 1 : 1 which is good; it’s very casual and fun. B | 5.7 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Attack and within 1-2 seconds of time left, walk away, so the enemy won’t instantly catch you.
Fun Fact: The projectiles thrown take 0.5 seconds to fully stop, which is the duration of the startup.
5th: Dive - A (Solid)
Rating: 7.8
Matching Hosts: All.
DIO. This tempo is useful all-round, the play style varies A LOT (which is good). The only flaw is its cooldown (40 seconds). In compensation, it lasts for 30 sec and you can end it early, saving the cooldown. It’s capable of one shooting every boss in the game; it’s also very fun and the startup looks good, lol. B | 5.8 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Don’t waste the 30 seconds all at once, if you have a good sense of health then it’s better to know when to deactivate the tempo.
Fun Fact: The projectiles thrown take 2 seconds to fully stop, which is the duration of the startup.
4th: Anti - A+ (Quite Powerful)
Rating: 8.3
Matching Hosts: All.
Straight up 3x damage, 2x less damage received. There are almost no flaws, you should be able to save cooldown because you stopped early. It’s very fun and it has good looks; can one shot every boss depending on the host, one of the best tempos for damage dealing; it is useful all-round long, the defensive proprieties of the tempo can help will Resident Mind’s bullet hell. B | 6 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: There is bar indicating how much damage you will do, if the health bar reaches the limit, you can deactivate the tempo, the enemy will be instantly killed.
3rd: Sand - S- (Very Strong)
Rating: 8.8
Matching Hosts: Hellion, Hot Rash, Parting.
This tempo is extremely useful all-round, it’s defensive and offensive at the same time. You can freeze yourself in time during bullet hell, it’s useful for dodging, the time acceleration helps to deal more damage; very fun to play with it. A- | 7 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Use shields to charge (Hot Rash’s shield and Hellion’s car or Parting’s leap) and you can charge for less than 2 seconds, that is good if you are going to get attacked.
2rd: Rush - S (Extremely Powerful)
Rating: 9
Matching Hosts: All.
It’s good all-round; extremely useful for dodging, increasing walk speed, damage output, healing acceleration (passive healing | 0.33HP/s - normal speed to 2HP/s accelerated), cooldown reduce. It has no downsides, but it’s not as powerful as Zero. A- | 7.5 Non-Overclocked - Strongest Non-Overclocked tempo.
Tip: Use it to make slow attacks faster (Visitor Beam, Prophet Heavy Strike…); try to not to over-use it.
1st: Zero - S (Extremely Powerful)
Rating: 9.2
Matching Hosts: Dreamer, Artisan, Witness, Invader.
This tempo can increase the damage output exponentially. You can one shot every boss with it. The only downside is the tempo lacking defensive proprieties, which could be bad at bullet hell. C+ | 4.2 Non-Overclocked.
Tip: Don’t use it along with lasting moves: Visitor Beam, Prophet Heavy Strike, Hellion Car…
That’s the end of the tier list. It took me 2 weeks to accomplish it.
There might be a few flaws such as: grammar mistakes, rank to rating not corresponding.