Theyre just stuff that isnt meant to exist but exists anyway
Theres 3 categories for these stuff:
Physical: Stuff like the thing that forms Aqua Resin
Biological: Living beings that are not meant to exist/from another universe
Lucid: Dreams/Hallucinations that have their own mind.
There are 5 (theoretical) ways that Paradox stuff can enter the earth:
Physical & Biological: Grid Rifts (basically rifts from different universes with different physics)
Biological: Ruins from the Aegis Meteor (context: the earth used to be normal until this thing struck it)
Physical & Lucid: Explosions (yeah)
Lucid: The Mindspace Machine (basically a machine someone invented to explore someone's conscience as physical space,)
Lucid: The Affliction
It is not recommended to interact with Paradox stuff because theres a risk of losing your life.