Invader with zero is good, you can beat the game in 6 minutes.
Prophet with Star, you can use heavy strike when using.
Witness with sand, using the shield then using sand will make sure you don’t die.
Artisan with zero or dirt, Lots of turrets and fighters.
Vestige with rush or cell, do I have to explain? Using rush with Blazing steps, circulation and the upgrade that makes all blasts crit will just kill a boss in like 7 seconds.
Visitor with Zion,zero or rush, Using zero with the gone upgrade makes drill do like 90 damage. Zion and rush is good for speed.
Subject with OC Loch or rush, speed up making potions using rush or make potions while OC Loch is active so you don’t die.
Parting with Halt, Cell, Rush, Dirt or Sand. Not recommending zero because the hellions wheel upgrade is basically the zero tempo.
Dreamer with oc zero, anti or pretty much anything. Dreamer goes good with any tempo as long as you know how to use it properly.
Equinox with Zion or Hint. Spawning enemies that can stun enemies makes it easier for you to hit them.
Bloxxer with Clip. M1 NAIL SPAM.
Drifter with anything. Same with Dreamer really.
Hot rash with clip or rush. Using your guns during rush or using clip pretty much oneshots anything in endless.
I’ll add more later.