The sunny day's sobs bereaved the dawn snap, Witness crying and clawing until his fingers were also crying, but with a viscous red liquid instead. Blood. Witness's tears were shrouded by the darkness and teardrops of the clouds, playing a masquerade party where he is one of the multitude. Witness looked up and to minor avail saw Bloxxerman far up.
Witness's sight tightened and he was drawn aback to move away, not wanting the shockwave that would soon emanate from the Bloxxerman's fist cuffing the floor to hit him. He decided to pull out the leftovers of his burger from earlier and gnaw on it for healing.
"Thanks, Gnom," The Witness uttered, drawling out a lengthy exhale afterwards.
The skies lamented harder, as if they knew a fight was about to shatter and fray everything. A cumulonimbus cloud sparked a line, causing a long strand of electrical heat to spider web across the sky. The Witness sparked his shield and got ready for impact.
Then, the dreadful Bloxxerman made impact.